I must say the worst thing that happened to my life recently was that Alicia Key's had her 1st baby a few days ago.That was definitely sad to me. but now I'm downloading her live at New York.In the mean time,I shall write about the second funniest things. Oh when will she cum to Japan anyway ?
well one big stuff in October was that I took down on Konkon sales back in 9th October.Who cares for her crying ? lol
It went like this. My posts are as honest as hell.
8th October,I warned Mary to give me tracking numbers of all the items within 24 hours though I pretty much knew she wouldn't give me. She said one of the items,which is a kingdom hearts key chain is stolen by me so until I send it to her,she can't ship it out.Oh well. I have never been a fan of Kingdom hearts.At least I can't find it on my bag,never. This is her typical shit reaction.
then when 24 hours have passed,as I warned,I posted it on konkon sales page.
This is Iori,who mary calls "the previous supplier."
I'm honored to be one of her favorite excuses.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm the owner of an online Japanese goods supplier ,Angama.
I'm Japanese,mid 20s,living in Yokohama,male.
My deviantart http://iori404.deviantart.com/
Here,I will explain what happened with me and konkon sales.
If you want to skip to the conclusion,here it is.
"You were scammed,just like me.
if you are still able to file a dispute on paypal,please do it soon as possible.
if it's too late,please take any action that you can come up with and share the info with
all the other victims.
if you are thinking of buying something,I recommend you to donate to save the africa instead."
2007.9 I started selling Japanese goods.I called myself "a shopping agent."
2009.7 Me and mary started doing business together.
2009.11 I noticed that I was scammed.
2010.3 I officially quit doing business with mary.
2010.6 I finished sending all the items to her "friend" in Japan.
Here are the things where mary scammed me.
She will take over my old loyal nicest customers with all her honesty and common sense.
We will share the profit for 50%-50%
I will be paid 200JPY per shipping.
Payment (from mary to me) has to be done immediately.
Successfully,none them was conducted.
mary didn't pay me from the very first transaction.Excuse was " because she had to pay the rent."
When we bought a 100,000JPY JE ticket for a customer,my fee was no less than 200JPY.
From my assumption,she owed me more than 100,000JPY.
However,I don't really know how much it was actually because I was stupid enough
to let her keep accounting as she wants.Whatever,I seriously needed to escape from her going broke
soon as possible.Her financial state is not a joke level.
I'm writing this because I want to warn you out,save any more potential customers,and am pissed.
I trusted her 100% so I let her take over my loyal customer base which I had been building
for 3 years.No,its wind.not crying.
I really am sorry for anyone whom I recommended to buy from her.My apology.
The thing is,mary can not understand the difference of the sales and profit.
She thinks she can spend your deposit all as she wants.
so she spends your money on her moving,tripping to LA,living,rent,internet etc..
then when you give her actual orders,she struggles.
It's exactly like a pyramid finance.She can't live on the profit out of the business at all.
so she always spends too much.so until she has the next victim,you get nothing.
but now her bank is overdrawn,your money goes like this..
Your pocket > bank > mary's stomach > mary's moving > mary's tripping > mary's internet > previous victim's order > previous previous victim's shipping >
previous victim's shipping > your order > your shipping
That's why you will not get what you paid forever.
I repeat.You were scammed.
In case she screens this post like she does to other "honest" posts,
I write this ;
When mary screens this or talks shit against this like today's email below,
I will inform you of these in this order:
What she spent your deposit on.
Why you are not refunded for Arashi concert tickets back in 2009.
What she talks about your shipping request.
Where her "friend" lives.
Where she lives.
Her alternative contact.
What is her personal problem.
I hope you understand I'm not very happy to know she blames me for what she has commit.
Though she does never reply to you because her gmail is broken,she replies to me very fast.
Here is our chatting of today.
Do ship or refund to your customers.
They are my old loyal customers as well.I trusted you so I let you take over my old customer base.
Stop scamming them.
I'll give you 24 hours from now.
I will leave a comment on your lj unless you give me tracking numbers.
I will have her items sent out. However, she ordered a kingdom hearts keychain from auction and I never received it from you so you will have to send that to her yourself.
Do what you have to. I don't have the items here, so my friend will send them this weekend and once she has given me the tracking numbers I will send it to Raquel.
- Mary
KonKon Sales
http://www.konkonsales.com/ <-- under construction
I said,give me tracking numbers.
Once I get them I will send them to Raquel and if you insist, I will copy the email to you.
- Mary
KonKon Sales
http://www.konkonsales.com/ <-- under construction
FYI ,her favorite excuses are these below
My gmail sucks.
I was sick.
I sent you an email already.
My previous supplier is an idiot.
I'm trying as hard as possible.
I had my wallet stolen.
My "friend" is busy.
My "friend" has her back hurt.
I did never receive that item.
I must pay the rent this week.
I will (try to) ship it out this week.
I will (try to) ship it out next week.
Thanks for reading this.
I'm wishing you the best luck.
Have a good shopping.
From what everybody told me,I knew mary would delete my post immediately though she never replies to the posts to ask her to ship out some items. so I wrote those "conditions" but as I expected,she deleted my post by saying
Subject: Re: Hello,everybody 2
Iori, I know we've had our difficulties but this is ridiculous. I will leave your comment on the feedback page, but this is spamming and I won't tolerate it. The rest are being deleted and banned. I'm sorry it had to come to this. Really.
LOL Nothing's ridiculous,but mary herself.lol
then I had to write these,
One of my posts were deleted.
Here is the answer for it.
Q What she spent your deposit on.
A Buzzer beat special DVD box set(20,000JPY)
Tenimyu concert goods (35,000JPY)
Moving to a new apartment
Trip to LA
Castle age (an online game)
Another post of mine was deleted.Here is the answer for it.
Q Why you are not refunded for Arashi concert tickets back in 2009.
A "You" were refunded back in January 2010.That money was spent for me to ship her precious special goods to mary by EMS , and all the goods for her "friend" who are in Japan. Since then,she is supposed to refund in behalf of me but she went out of money.or spent it on something more important to her.
This is how THE "Super Japanese shop" was closed ,with your money stolen by mary.
She still posted at here.
She replied IMMEDIATELY to the post of "hug you" ,but from what they say,she still has never replied to other requests.lol
Well,I just don't want to be like her when I turn to be 40s.heh
¶ Low EQ
- 404iori
- Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
- WELCOME I do visual poetry. If you are interested in ,please take a contact at shoppingagent.egru"at"gmail.com . Also ,if you are a photographer or a designer and want to collaborate ,please take a contact too . I'm mid 20s,living in Japan.interested in internet business,art,etc.. what art ? photo,paintings,music and whatever. I like things from early 20th century. I run an online shop at here.http://www.jp-angama.com/ They usually mistake it,but this is not a normal online shop.I don't sell you a roll of toilet paper.I SUPPLY you with Japanese items.If you seek for a stable supply source,please do let me know at the email above.I also invest small amount of money into well talented online business owners.If you are interested in..you already know. and I assist a deviant art group at here too.http://iori404.deviantart.com/ Please say hello to me at there too. Thanks!