It's night time here in Japan.
I like night better than daytime. Everything looks deeper and more meaningful.
Last weekend was my birthday.
One weekend a month ago ,I thought "Argh I'm gona be older within a month."
I felt in a hurry but didn't know why and didn't even know what to do.
However now,I feel like I have changed since then.It's only a month!
Taste in music has changed.
Books I read are totally different.
Art style has changed too.
I think I opened my mouth to swallow something new.
I had never imagined that I 'd listen to Chopin.(I didn't even know how to spell it!)
Looking back past few years,now seems like the best time.
What is more,now some people seem to listen to me.
They say "web2.0" changed the world.Yes it did.
but how ? It killed "mass marketing".
They used to have to be accepted by "majority".
That was Hollywood,US top 40,20th Century Fox and Yahoo.
but now we don't have to be the same.
There are always some people for you,somewhere in the you can just stay who you are.
Historically,we used to have to inherit our jobs.
Son of a hatter had to be a hatter.
After individual revolution,we had to be for "mass".
Sit in an office and get paid for hours to kill ourselves.
but now again,it's time to change.I think we should do what has to be done
just by you.
Sure staying alive is important.but for your soul,keep on doing what can be done just by you.
Among millions of options,it's hard to find what it is.
I think that's what you can't help doing.
I'm writing this.This is what I can't help doing.
I'm expecting the cycle,"Do it cuz you like it,Get better cuz you do it,then you get to like it more."
I hope that will be what they need you for.
When it's become that,I think your life will be really filled.
This is what I hope for my new year.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
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- 404iori
- Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
- WELCOME I do visual poetry. If you are interested in ,please take a contact at shoppingagent.egru"at" . Also ,if you are a photographer or a designer and want to collaborate ,please take a contact too . I'm mid 20s,living in Japan.interested in internet business,art,etc.. what art ? photo,paintings,music and whatever. I like things from early 20th century. I run an online shop at here. They usually mistake it,but this is not a normal online shop.I don't sell you a roll of toilet paper.I SUPPLY you with Japanese items.If you seek for a stable supply source,please do let me know at the email above.I also invest small amount of money into well talented online business owners.If you are interested already know. and I assist a deviant art group at here too. Please say hello to me at there too. Thanks!