Something makes us completely different from the rest of us.
One can see through the other one but
the other one does not even know what it means to see through.
It is like a third eye.
Some people have it,but some people don't.
Some people can see better than other people.
I don't know what it is.
I don't think there is a definition about it.
I don't even know if that's a common understanding about us,
but it exists.
If you feel empty when you talk to someone,
this matter might be involved.
In my daily life,
I call them human beings who can see through.
and I ignore the rest of them.
They say 7 billion people in the world
but actual human beings are so rare.
If I have my own company,
I will write
Only human beings
for the recruitment information.
Since there is no definition about it,
I can not mention the name of the sense or something.
but I can describe what it is in a short story.
Say,there are 2 men talking.
One says,
"I'm a desk worker,I exercise too little.
I decided to take a walk everyday."
There are 2 ways of answering to this comment.
One is to be positive,like
"Oh that is good to take a walk.Walking is good for your health" etc..
and the other option is to be negative,like
"haha just walking? sounds like a granda." etc..
Whichever you choose,if you are aware that there are 2 ways of answering,
you are human being.
If you are not ,you are not a human being.
Human beings have a view over the conversation.
They see the map from above and they see themselves walking on it.
The rest of people move like an ant walking on the ground.
They never know there is something like a map of the conversation.
They react,and they that's everything for them.
This is not what you are taught at school.
and it's not exactly what they call intelligence.
I know some people to share this sense.
Conversations with those people are very smooth and always inspiring.
They are not always the closest friends but stay in touch with each other somehow.
I think that's because their sub consciousness know they are rare species
so that's important not to lose each other.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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- 404iori
- Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
- WELCOME I do visual poetry. If you are interested in ,please take a contact at shoppingagent.egru"at" . Also ,if you are a photographer or a designer and want to collaborate ,please take a contact too . I'm mid 20s,living in Japan.interested in internet business,art,etc.. what art ? photo,paintings,music and whatever. I like things from early 20th century. I run an online shop at here. They usually mistake it,but this is not a normal online shop.I don't sell you a roll of toilet paper.I SUPPLY you with Japanese items.If you seek for a stable supply source,please do let me know at the email above.I also invest small amount of money into well talented online business owners.If you are interested already know. and I assist a deviant art group at here too. Please say hello to me at there too. Thanks!