I started meditation around the beginning of 2010.
It's been about a year.
I don't know why I started it.Maybe I was just curious.
From my research,yoga seems to be a part of zen.and they did yoga about 3000 years ago already,
so zen must be older than that.
and Buddha failed in yoga.He was a loser of the strict yoga class.then he invented his own original way.
but the result is the same ,whatever it is,zen,yoga,or belief in Buddhism.
It's the state of your brain.
It's like
Forget about your physical sense,
Stop thinking,
Observe thoughts,memories,ideas passing by like jet.
at this time,you feel something hard and dry on your forehead.
MRI says your frontal lobe is working very active at this timing.
and sometimes you recall really old scenes.like a stein of a floor mat that you saw when you were 2 years old etc..
at this time,your cerebellum is extraordinary active too.
In this phase,you feel like you are sleeping but awake.
You are completely awake.even more awake than normal but your body is dead.and you see yourself thinking about ideas.
You're in the back room of yourself and watching the real reality passes like jet.
Therefore,zen is a technique to see the reality.Yoga,to twist your body in a funny pose,or singing chants over and over
are attempts to do it more efficiently. Having "gods" as a religion contradicts the concept totally.
Probably Buddha needed to use the ideas of hell or heaven to shut them up in meditation.
They say,the final state of zen gets to last for the rest of your life if I try it constantly. but of course I can't get it last even longer 10 mins.
I don't twist my body in a funny shape.I don't even give shit for my breathing.I don't want it put in a fixed process like a strict rule.
I just lie on my hand made balloon bed and relax.and it comes.
No matter how you do,it shouldn't matter.It's an art to see the reality without any prejudice.
Trying zen and studying Psychology is such a strong drug to me.
I like to do it. If you find it interesting,please go ahead :)
Friday, December 24, 2010
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- 404iori
- Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
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