Criticism is one of the most valuable things we can have.Mostly,it's from jealousy or stupidity.
Whichever,it means you touched someone's heart.It's a proof of your achievement.
so mostly it's better to collect as much criticism as possible for our lives.
I think internet is one of the best tools to collect their honest opinion.
When they face PC,it might be the end of a long day.They might be nervous,tired and stressed.
Whatever the reason is,internet makes people more harsh.
They say things like they don't even say in a real world being afraid of their reaction or social influence.
At the same time,it gives them chances to be more optimistic and positive.
It's also easy to collect positive support on the internet.
Whatever,it's the world of all words.Mostly we talk in English but sometimes they are from some European countries,
Latin countries or Asian Our "English" tend to be more "logical".
Words are more like symbols.Phrases are more like mathematical functions.
but we somehow communicate. I think it trains our communication ability.
When we talk on internet,we more focus on the use of words,phrases,sometimes even on timings.
Without expressions of face,gesture,tone of voice,communication 2.0 tend to be more purified I think.
I got to think this way when I talk to people who never use PC/internet and spend more time on TV.
I dare to call them TV people. They are more used to being one of the mass.They expect us to react like TV personalities.
I dare to call myself an Internet person..For me,their talking is more vague,off point,and inefficient.
I pretty much know there are a lot of exceptions. but ironically,TV people tend to ignore exceptions more likely.
Online conversation is more efficient so we can talk to more people,more we do know more people.
I find it rational to think internet people have a bigger data base. You can even read back what YOU have said before.
You have bigger data base of your own comment too.
There are a lot of arguments about if internet make us smarter or more numb.
but in terms of communication skill,which I dare to call a mental age,internet can be our engine.
TV people will be left in the history ,with old school TV broadcasting companies..
This is what I think. What is your criticism ?
Sunday, December 26, 2010
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- 404iori
- Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
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